

Melinda Augustina is an actress, author and creative producer living in Los Angeles. Melinda was born in the mid-west. Surrounded by 8 co-stars (brothers and sisters) an opera singing mother and a Hollywood-handsome father, everything looked like production to her, so she earned her BA in Theater. Dozens of acting credits include numerous stage roles in mid-west regional theaters from Kansas City to Chicago to Dallas, Texas to critical acclaim. Awards followed, most significantly Best Actress for playing the intensely dramatic role of the armchair Nazi "Lemon" in Wallace Shawn's "Aunt Dan and Lemon". Melinda first played the role of the wise and sly Store Manager in the short play "Three-Fifty" on stage with theater company Apartment A in Venice, California before producing it into a short film. Critics called her performance "...especially hilarious..."and "screamingly funny". Now an award-winning film "Three-Fifty" charmed international television audiences for 7 years. Three-Fift

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