

PETER GANIM is an American actor, descended of Lebanese, Syrian, and Slovak-Rusyn immigrants. Born on the army base at Fort Knox, Kentucky, he started out on the stage as a kid in Cleveland, Ohio, burnished his professional cred in the hotbed of Atlanta, Georgia, then flirted with a theatrical career in both Paris and New York City before settling, nearly twenty years ago. in Manhattan, where he lives and works. A maker of short films, an occasional writer, as well as an award-winning theater director, he is likely best known as an actor of versatility and distinction. Accomplished in classical and contemporary work and methods, he's been lauded as a "virtuoso" for his "powerhouse" performances in Man and Superman, Hamlet, The Misanthrope, Cloud 9, Othello, A Doll House, Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love, Tracers, Handler, and Tango Palace, and in productions helmed by directors as idiosyncratic as Chris Coleman, Joseph Chaikin, and Nancy Keystone. He appears freq

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