

Bradley D. Cook was born on August 15, 1965 in West Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from John Adams High School in South Bend, Indiana in 1983 and later graduated from Indiana University with a degree in History. He married Emily L. Riley on January 2, 1993 and has two children. He is currently the Curator of Photographs at the Indiana University Archives. It was while working here that he met documentary directors John Maggio and Barak Goodman who asked Brad to play the role of Alfred Kinsey in their 2005 documentary entitled "Kinsey". Brad also met Actor Liam Neeson, Director Bill Condon, Production Designer Richard Sherman, and Producer Gail Mutrux on the campus of Indiana University in order to give them a tour of the campus where Alfred Kinsey conducted much of his research. This tour was a prelude to their 2004 film "Kinsey" featuring Liam Neeson and Laura Linney.
