

Simone Egeriis was born in Slagelse, Denmark in 1992. As an 11 year old she was on the stage for the first time. It was in an amateur's open air concert, for the local kindergarten children, she performed an excellent version of "Thank you for the music" (Abba). The audience loved the little singer and she was determined to keep up singing. Later she took singing lessons from a local singer (Signe Walsoe) and later from Karina Nus. Besides singing, Simone likes to play piano and violin. At 12 years old, in 2004, Simone participated in a Danish TV contest called "Scenen er din" (the Stage is yours" in the Junior category, where she on the first show gave her version of "Come on over". She was a winner of the first level of the contest and for the next show she performed an outstanding interpretation of the Disney song "Colours of the wind". The viewers and the audience was absolutely stunned, and couldn't believe that this little girl had such a wonderful voice. She was the overall win

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