

Angela Patricia Brigitta Thompson was born in Southern Ontario, Canada to Scottish and French immigrants yet would go missing as a toddler. There was a notice in a local newspaper that failed to reach her Biological Family who spent time between France and Canada. Angela would be adopted and raised by The Thompson Family in Escarpment Country, where she enjoyed picking strawberries with her Mum and learning to fish with her Papa. In JK she won the public speaking contest with a poem from a Highlights Magazine. The Thompson Family moved to Brontë, Oakville where she attended St. Anne's School in the gifted program and was an Altar server at St. Dominic Parish. Angela spent her childhood summers in Cottage Country or traveling North America. She took an interest in Film, Animation and Bluegrass during a trip to California where she cheered on her Father and Friends at the annual Snoopy World Hockey Tournament. It was in during this time that she enjoyed a memorable trip to Universal Stu

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