

Ksenia Lavrentieva is a British actress/TV personality of Eurasian descent. Known for her numerous appearances on British/US television, as well as having played Nadia Dansky on HBO's Strike Back. Born in the former communist state of Georgia, Tbilisi, to a renowned dissident Georgian artist and one of Russia's revered actresses. Her first years were spent in Taganrog Bay a port city in Rostov on the shores of the Azov Sea - southern Russia. The separation of her parents prompted a move to Moscow with her mother, followed by an unsettlingly candid immersion in the confused, though highly creative atmosphere that pervaded in the Russian capital at the time. A few years later, the newly re-composed Lavrentieva family moved to London. When asked about this period in her life, Ksenia only refers to it as a time where "we pretty much existed upon the fringes, moving regularly and rarely settling in one place". However, she does admit that whilst it was a time of constant upheaval, it perhap

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