

Jackeline Olivier comes from Porto Alegre, a city in the south of Brazil, but has been cast as every ethnicity not just the typical Latina. Jackie began her acting career early. At age ten she played a weeping widow in the school play. Teachers, schoolmates and family, moved by the performance, encouraged her to become an actress. Ten plays, 13 films and loads of TV appearances later, "Jackie O" continues to live on the passionate edge of her art. She appeared in Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (2005), directed by James Glenn Dudelson and Ana Clavell. Jackie describes her character Vicky as "a self-centered, evil, cunning junkie". Jackie had a death scene in "Contagium" that went on for hours, as the scene following her character's death involved a small room where eight people were fighting around her, falling and stepping on her. She had to stay still with her eyes closed and remember she was dead. Jackie's a team player and appreciates this quality in others. She has also appeared in

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