

Shana Elizabeth Dowdeswell (died December 12, 2012) was born on April 1, 1989 in Harare, Zimbabwe. She then moved to New York City where she attended City and Country School, PS 3, and finally PPAS High School. She also began a career as an actress, beginning at age eight. Over the years, she accumulated many credits, including playing Anne Frank at the Papermill Playhouse and working in films and on television. But more than that, she accumulated hundreds of friends and extended family members who loved her as deeply as she loved them. Shana was a bright spirit, a shining, generous, hopeful girl. She traveled the world, returning to Africa, traveling many times to Paris and London where she had beloved family members. Most recently she traveled to Canada with her boyfriend Cameron Moneo. Shana is survived by her parents, Laurie and Roger, her brother Jesse, her grandparents Willard and Jane Smith, her godmother Karen Wimmer.
