

Rodolfo Arrabale Valente (born March 8, 1993) is a Brazilian actor, best known for playing Rafael in the Netflix 3% series. Valente began working as an actor at nine months. He has appeared in advertisements, in movies, on stage and on television. He underwent professional training at Studio Beto Silveira and took courses in physical theater, such as in Commedia dell'arte, clowning and mime. He has acted in several plays, such as Excepcionalmente Normal, ABC do Amor, Para Onde Vai a Escuridão Quando a Gente Acende a Luz, Fragmentos de Equus, Caverna do Dragão, Pequenos Palhaços and Carro de Paulista. He has acted on television in programs such as Pirlimpimpim (based on Sítio do Picapau Amarelo) as the character Pedrinho, Ilha Rá-Tim-Bum, a telemovie version of Carro de Paulista and in the series Eterna Magia, Revelação, Seus Olhos and Essas Mulheres. He has been involved with the Carpintaria do Ator centre since 2008. In 2011, he joined the School of Dramatic Arts at the University of

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