

Julie Berry was born in Lewiston, Maine and grew up in Gorham, Maine. She was separated from her biological sister when Julie was adopted at the age of 5. Her parents are Judy and Les and they have been married for over 30 years. Her brother Chris recently celebrated his one-year anniversary with wife Kate, and has passed the bar exam. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Community Development with a minor in Psychology from East Carolina University in North Carolina. During her junior year she traveled to California through the National Student Exchange to attend school at California State University at Northridge. A Native American, Berry is from the Maliseet tribe. She is a member of the East Carolina Native American Organization. In December, 2003, she was accepted into the Peace Corps to advocate health promotion and has worked with at risk youth. She has also worked as a behavioral interventionist for children who are adopted and facing social and emotional issues.

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