

Carly Alyssa Thorne: Known to many as CAT: Who wears many HATS: Speaker, Mentor, Author, Writer, Producer, Director & Photographer Carly has been called: "The Chameleon" In the Acting world because she has been known to film up to 3 different characters in one day going from ghoul to sweet mom to killer. "The Multi-Sensory Multi-Media Consultant" In the business world: Because she teaches people how to use the multi-sensory in multi-media. "Collaborative Empowerment Implementer & Muse" In the business and social media world: Because she is always posting and talking the power of collaboration, empowerment and implementation to her clients, teams and friends.... Carly's Chief Aim is to Bridge the East & the West using various Methodologies: Psychology, Philosophy, Theologies, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui, Energetics, Organization Management, Structure and Implementation, Conscious Hiring and Policies, Effective Win-Win Communications, and Team Leadership Building & Co-Creation and O

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