

Polish-American actor and singer. Born in Kraków, Poland to Mariola and Michael; but he spent most of his youth living in Tarnów, Poland. When he was four years old his parents divorced, and his mother moved to America. In the summer of 1994, he finally came to America and was reunited with his mother at age 8. He lived in the Chicago, IL suburb, Buffalo Grove. While attending Buffalo Grove High School, he was an active member of the Concert and Marching Bands, Water Polo, and Swim Team. Outside of school he was a four-year member of Reality Theater, an ensemble theater group. Reality Theater wrote their own show every year and toured it locally as well as nationally spreading positive messages about teens dealing with drugs, sex, depression, and other teen issues. Although the troupe mostly performed in High Schools and Junior Highs, they also performed in other venues such as the famous Bellevue Hospital in New York. While attending Southern Illinois University, Peter decided to ma

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