

Loyd Bateman was born was born in 1977 in Norwich, England and spent the first four years of his life between Nigeria and South Africa where his parents were working in hotel management. Loyd grew up in Canada making his way with his mother and three siblings from the East coast cosmopolitan city of Toronto to the West coast city of Vancouver. A true citizen of the world, Loyd found himself drawn to the study of Capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art. His training and intensive study brought him to Brazil several times and also to a number of countries around the world including, Switzerland, France, England, Mexico and the United States. Loyd became very skilled in Capoeira and highly valued and respected by his Mestré Barrão the Founder of Grupo Axé Capoeria, one of the largest and most prestigious Capoeira groups in the world. Loyd is also fluent in Brazilian Portuguese as a result of his commitment to the art form. Loyd always had a passion for film and found his way to the big

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