

Austin Lee Basis was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York in a little beach community called Sea Gate, at the end the famous Coney Island boardwalk. His mother, Shari, was a teacher for over 30 years, and his father, Arthur, has managed a meat-distribution company for almost 20 years. He has a younger brother, Jeremy, who is also a teacher. From a very young age Austin felt at home in the limelight, entertaining people and making them laugh - but actually dreamed of playing major league baseball as a catcher for the New York Mets! Once it was clear that biology and genetics were teaming up to prevent that from happening, Austin turned his focus to... becoming a doctor! Eventually, even that became an elaborate form of procrastination. Throughout Austin's childhood he performed in plays, usually musical comedies, despite his lack of singing ability. From his first role as "The Sun" in the kindergarten play to the title role of Dracula in a Junior High School production of "Young Drac

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