

Hailing from Inglewood, California, Daniel "D Smoke" Farris personifies the city's cultural duality: nurtured by the boulevards and natured by his family's rich musical legacy. Although his mother taught him and his brothers music theory and provided voice lessons, at the age of six, Smoke dove fingers-first into classical piano, arming him with a skill that would distinguish him from his musical peers. During his matriculation at UCLA, he founded WoodWorks Records, and proceeded to write and produce, "Never", earning an ASCAP Award - Song of The Year. Choosing a path less taken as a native English speaker, Smoke leaned into his love of language and storytelling, ultimately earning a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Literature. Smoke gained global notoriety in 2019 as champion and undisputed breakout star of Netflix's Rhythm + Flow. Smoke showcased himself as a raw lyricist, classically trained musician, and cultural activist with "something to say" - and nothing left to prove. Smoke re

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