

Niamh (pronounced "Neve") Wilson is a veteran film and television actor, known for her craft-driven approach to acting, believing in the integral role of all to the final outcome of a project. She brings intuition, empathy, curiosity and humor to her work. Having trained as a dancer, she also infuses her roles with physically and body knowledge, a prime example being her depiction of the gender-fluid "Mouse" in Giant Little Ones. She has worked with many notable directors, including Jean Pierre Jeunet, (The Young and Prodigious T. S. Spivet) and David Cronenberg (Map to the Stars) as well as having been nominated for, and won numerous awards. As a child her maturity and emotive face made her a favorite in horror and supernatural projects. By the time she was in middle school she'd portrayed a ghost and an alien, been haunted, possessed, kidnapped and blown up. Comedic roles eluded Niamh until she landed the title role in a tween-oriented sitcom Debra! (for which she won a Young Artist

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