

Bobby Poirier is the director, editor and writer of the new short film THE RADICAL FAIRY PRINCE, A Love Story. His films TANGIBLE FATHERS, TRADITIONAL FAMILY VAMPIRES and RECRUITING have screened at over a hundred and fifty film festivals around the world and have secured broadcast deals the PBS, Cinemanow and MTV/LOGO Networks. His work as an editor for hire has has earned the BEST FEATURE EDITING award for the documentary AMERICAN COURTESANS as well as an EMMY Award for "AMFM: A Love Story", directed by Charlie VanWinkle. Bobby has worked as an Associate Producer of award winning documentary television for National Geographic, Discovery Channel and the Prime Time Emmy Nominated CONQUEST OF AMERICA, for the History Channel. He has also worked as an Associate Producer of Visual Effects on studio features like SNAKES ON A PLANE, TROY, STRANGERS and many more. His work as a producer for Maine Public Broadcasting earned him a Regional Emmy Nomination for Best Informational Program. B

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