

Eddy Challita always enjoyed movies, but it wasn't until he accompanied an actor friend to an audition in 2003 - and inadvertently landed a small role in the DreamWorks film Head of State with Chris Rock and Bernie Mac - that the possibility of a film career became a reality. Hailing from France, where he modeled and acted, Eddy also lived in Lebanon and France before moving to the U.S. over fourteen years ago. Other roles followed, including appearances in xXx: State of the Union with Ice Cube and Samuel L. Jackson, and the hit TV series The West Wing, with Martin Sheen and Rob Lowe. Most recently, he appeared in Salt, starring Angelina Jolie, and before that worked with one of his favorite actors, Leonardo DiCaprio, in Body of Lies. Eddy's ability to speak both French and Arabic, as well as English, has provided him with another cinematic opportunity: that of language coach. While he'd like to continue to pursue his acting career, he doesn't consider himself a "struggling" actor by a

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