

Angelina Hong passionately loved the arts at an early age. Her childhood was spent taking ballet, jazz and tap dance lessons, and she enjoyed playing the violin, flute, saxophone, and piano. She also loved to draw and paint. Growing up, she was a voracious bookworm. Angelina fell in love with words and the power of storytelling, and originally dreamed of a career as a writer. Her talent and ambition won her a prestigious journalism fellowship at ABC-TV in New York City during her junior year of college. Her thirst for adventure led to a year studying in Paris. Angelina studied art, architecture, and the French language at Sorbonne University. While abroad, she traveled extensively through Europe. She graduated with a B.A. in English Literature from Colgate University in upstate New York. Right after college, she moved to New York City. Angelina started her career as an intern at Entertainment Weekly magazine, and quickly moved on to become the associate fashion segment producer for

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