

Paul St. Clair-Lindsay's visual style was born over 30 years ago on a random Saturday afternoon in Queens, New York. A very young Paul discovered "Kung Fu" Theater and became a life-long devotee to action-adventure and dramatic films. These pieces of cinematic art captured Paul's interest and fueled his imagination and it's Paul's fondness for this genre of cinema that defined his quirky off-kilter style of directing. Paul has worked in the industry for 12 years as an Asst. Director, web series producer and aspiring director. Being a natural storyteller, he knows exactly what it takes to create a compelling vision. He has cultivated a deep understanding of directing and the filmmaking process as a whole. Learning through on set mentoring and then putting it into practice, Paul works extremely well with actors. From a young age to the present day, he is a perennial student of directing, and never afraid to go off-kilter in order to capture that moment.
