

Lavette Slater conveys this vivid quality through her skilled eye and hands when she is with each and every client. With over 20 years as a celebrity hair, makeup and beauty expert; Lavette is known to be a master at her craft. At the height of Lavette's career she was the lead hairstylist on ABC's highly successful live talk show "The View" for 12 years. She was personal hairstylist to all of the co-hosts on and off of "The View and has gone on to style many other celebrity guests to top political figures; Hillary Clinton , Former Second Lady Jill Biden to our elegant Former First Lady Michelle Obama. During the 12 years on "The View" Lavette hosted and has been credited for co-producing many on-air highly rated beauty segments such as "Wigs and Weaves ", "Xmas Makeovers" & " Ask The View Crew Hair ". This has earned her 3 Emmys in Outstanding Achievement in Hairstyling of the 34th , 35th and 36th Annual Creative Emmy Awards; along with 10 nominations for her work on "The View".
