

Robert has been involved in many areas of the film business as an Actor / Writer Working on a screenplay about his favorite character in history, inventor and scientist Leonardo Da Vinci. Honored to be on Epic projects to learn the magic of Tom Hanks and Robert Redford. Taking an Art History class in Minnesota with Rena Coen. Rena was the Cohen brothers mother. She said once, "You should meet my boys". This was a magical moment. After college, he found himself on his first transcontinental flight and traveled to Europe as a painter and writer and a budding young film director- Actor. The land was breathtaking and stunning. It was like being on a set of an Alfred Hitchcock movie set. The cinematic view from a lighthouse was death defying and being overtaken by the view, he craved to write even more adventure films which he might turn into books. He even slept in a German bunker just off the coast of Denmark for a few hours. Listening to the waves crashing his mind raced him back to

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