

Vietnam era military veteran (Special Ops). Began civilian career as a fine artist (oil painting and sculpture) and then gravitated to a successful high-fashion still photography specialty (past member of the ASMP). Was the "in house" Steadicam Operator for Cinemobile Location Systems from 1977 to 1984. Directed and filmed some of the most popular music videos produced in the 1980s. Worked extensively in Europe as a Director of Photography. Was an avid skier and successful sports car and motocross competitor. Two term past president of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club. Founded HorseAid (a world-wide equine rescue organization) with then future wife Staci Layne Wilson in 1984. Father-in-Law is Don Wilson, founder of the Ventures rock band (Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Honoree). Mother-in-Law is Nancy "Buni" Bacon, Editor of the original Confidential Magazine, book author, and movie starlet. Son is Vince Giobbe Jr., Music Producer and bass player in many popular rock & roll bands. Daughter is

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