

James started his career in New York City and regional theatre before moving to Los Angeles in 2000 where he worked for over twenty years as an actor and filmmaker. In 2020 he relocated during Covid-19 to Melbourne, Australia to continue acting, filmmaking, and teaching actors with his acting studio The Hollywood Actor Lab. James was born and raised in New York City and attended high school and college in New Jersey. He was captain of his high school Varsity football team, played LaCrosse and Wrestled, while learning Taekwondo in the summers. At 17, a full financial-aid scholarship took him to Rutgers University where he majored in Theater and Cinema and also became a competitive 3rd degree black belt and captain of the Taekwondo team. After graduating, his first job was as a resident actor at The George Street Playhouse. There, he met renowned Uta Hagen, who gave workshops to the actors during her last great performances of "Collected Stories". His training includes Rutgers Universit

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