

At first glance, Jesse James is the consummate biker rebel. Tattoos, knives, goatee, black t-shirts and skulls all around him and his world help create that image. That image, in turn, reflects a mere fraction of the man that is West Coast Choppers. The rest of his life reflects his passion as an artist, his love for his children, and the success that naturally flows from a love of custom motorcycles, hard work and a job done well. Originally from Long Beach, California, Jesse grew up around his father's antiques business. His dad's small shop was quartered in a shared warehouse with a large after market parts manufacturer for Harley-Davidson's and sport bikes. Those childhood influences set the stage for his path in life. Jesse got his first mini-bike at age 7, and, with that thrill, his passion for two-wheeled machines was kindled. He made his first crude motorcycle exhaust system during his freshman year of high school in his mother's garage. His perfectionist attitude, however, p

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