

Miguel Izaguirre, like many before him, immigrated to America in search of a better life. This journey began in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he was born, and landed his family in Miami, FL; a city that, to Miguel's young mind, embodied the very essence of opportunity. As he grew up, the city he now called home inspired a new perspective - one that dug deep beneath the shiny veneer of South Beach to the heart of urban grit, natural beauty, and a melting pot of community influence. The very streets of Miami seemed to breathe artistic expression. It was through this appreciation of differing cultures that Miguel became interested in camera work. He soon found himself shooting and editing videos for leisure, using the very city as the stage in which his stories were set. His passion for the arts was flourishing and life itself became the teacher with whom he studied hardest. Learning from mistakes, he would say, is one of the man gifts life provides. Ever the studious pupil, Miguel follow

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