

Raine Brown's love of performing was evident before her hands ever held a script and before her feet ever touched a stage. Growing up, her love for the dramatic was well documented by her parents' aptly coined nickname for her, "Sarah Bernhardt" (after the acclaimed French actress from the turn of the century). Beyond the occasional dramatic outburst though (which she has thankfully long outgrown), Raine did not professionally pursue, nor did her parents push, acting in her younger days. Serious interest in the study of acting culminated during her high school years, where she was able to put her passionate emotions into a directed structure, in her high school theatre program. Her love of the stage was intense and immediate, so much so, that Raine not only starred in the shows and took acting classes through the school, but she soon sought out other New Jersey acting programs as well. Through the New Jersey School of the Arts program, Raine took advanced acting classes and began to

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