

Born in the Tri-State area, Ray spent his teenage summers playing baseball. After practice, he was always on the Boardwalk. Ray's teammates would usually find him there, trying to pick up older women. It was around this time that Ray first discovered music and would spend long nights developing his skill on the drums. Eventually, Ray went to university in Georgia on a baseball scholarship. He was headed for the minor leagues until a knee injury got in the way. When he re-injured it, he no longer had to make a decision between baseball and music, the decision was made for him. He came back to New York, moved to the City, and quickly gained a reputation as a gun for hire. Part-time actor, part-time model and full-time musician, Ray hardly slept. He started playing the drums for several bands, among which was the Lower East Side hipster band, "Some Action." After catching him on the drums, ex-"Transvision Vamp" singer Wendy James offered him a job playing for her newest band, Racine. H

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