

Simone Bailly is an actress best known for her television roles on The L Word (2004), Battlestar Galactica (2004), Smallville (2001), Stargate SG-1 (1997), Da Vinci's City Hall (2005), and the EA video game Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005). Simone is in the upcoming movie, Must Love Christmas (CBS/Paramount+) directed by Martin Wood, and was most recently featured on the TV series, A Million Little Things on ABC, Blood & Treasure (2019) on CBS/Amazon Prime, NCIS: Los Angeles (2009) and Limitless (2015) on CBS. Simone has appeared in numerous feature films such as Life Partners (2014), Good Luck Chuck (2007), and I Spy (2002). Ms. Bailly has worked in all genres from science fiction, to action, to comedy. Simone has been immersed in theatre, dance, athletics, singing and modeling from a young age. Graduating with honors from the elite B.F.A. acting program at the University of British Columbia, she performed & toured with a Shakespeare company, and sang in a hip hop/funk/jazz band. T

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