

"My plan was to combine the American tradition of connecting with the audience and the European tradition of discussing society, trying to generate conversations. My films seek to generate a reaction in the movie theater to give the viewer a reason to leave the house." Irreverent, sarcastic and provocative, Ruben Ostlund has become one of the most controversial filmmakers of recent times. With a singular mastery for marring humor and social criticism, film after film surprises with new ways of addressing issues such as power, individualism and inequality. Ostlund's cinema unfolds seemingly absurd situations that owe their discomfort to the high load of truth they represent, forcing the viewer to see himself reflected in a mirror that is sometimes difficult to face. His disruptive spirit makes its way in general public as much as in specialized critics and renowned awards, counting two Golden Palms thanks to his films "The Square" (2017) and "The Triangle of Sadness" (2022) and short f

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