

Tom Vermeir (1976) is a Belgian actor and musician, who studied theatre at the Conservatorium of Ghent. He started his career as a singer and guitarist of the rock band A BRAND. For ten years they were one of the most successful rock bands in Belgium with 5 records and different tours abroad. He combined his musical career playing theatre at the following companies, like het KIP and COMPAGNIE CECILIA (De PIJNDERS, GLORIA, the monologue LACRIMA, POEPSIMPEL) , NTGENT, KOPERGIETERY, TONEELHUIS and ABATTOIR FERME). Nowadays, he mainly works together with stage writer ARNE SIERENS and his COMPAGNIE CECILIA, who co-wrote the BELGICA screenplay. Tom interpreted the main role in BELGICA, FELIX VAN GROENINGEN fifth film, for which Tom was nominated as Best Actor at the Ensors. VAN GROENINGEN on Tom vermeir: "Tom is a natural talent. i've met him on stage, from the roles he played for arne Sierens. He really blew me away. He was made to play Frank." For the last few years, he was very active in

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