

Producer-writer Gary Sager has a long track record of creating innovative projects that embody the grail of commerical-artistic merit, without getting made...until the new cosmic alignment..(as many agents, lawyers, managers and other elements of the dream-matrix would concede, confirm, or deny any responsibility for) He began his journey in Orchard Park, a small town outside Buffalo New York where he performed as lead guitarist and vocalist for popular rock band Fat Rabbit ...while giving music lessons to a myriad of students eager to learn fancy fretwork... Graduated from Buffalo State with focus on the sciences, where it was ultimately determined medical school was not in the best interest of any future patients... And left the east coast for Hollywood in the 70s with songs in tow searching for that record deal, where he sold hi-end audio-video to the stars while doing his demos...from Jackson Browne to Stevie Nicks, Jon Voight to Sylvester Stallone...they all got their 'Electron

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