

Actress Rachel Louise Grant De Longueuil was born on the Island of Luzon in the Philippines. Her mother is Filipino and her father, British. Rachel is the middle of three sisters and grew up in the English town of Nottingham where she and her sisters performed on stage for many years. She attended drama school in London where she stayed on and pursued her acting career. She later moved to Los Angeles, California and now lives in New York. Rachel has done some interesting theater work but got her big break as Nina in the British TV series on SyFy Sci-Fright (1999), but is best known for her role as Peaceful in the James Bond film Die Another Day Die Another Day (2002). She is proficient in martial arts and has worked with Jean Claude Van Damme and with Dominic Monaghan in British martial arts flick The Purifiers. She won Best Actress and Best Fight in the Shockfest Film Festival for her role as Princess in Red Princess Blues. Rachel has traveled to over 70 countries and has led explor

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