

Born in 1939, Guy Seligmann is the son of Jean Seligmann, an antique Parisian shot by the Germans in 1941 in response to a series of attacks perpetrated by the Resistance. Attracted very early in the dark rooms by an older brother who loves American musicals, he runs a high school radio, a photo club and a cine-club. He remembers presenting Night and Fog. In 1958 he joined IDHEC. During an internship, he landed in Rome on the set of La Giornata Balorda by Mauro Bolognini, screenplay by Moravia and Pasolini. He then rubs shoulders with some of the biggest names in cinema and receives the advice of Roberto Rosselini who recommends to the younger generation to make "the great school of the twentieth century, television". Figure of the ORTF he is one of the union representatives (CGT) while remaining close to the cinema (he used to say the "cinematograph"), a great lover of arts and adept of an inventive television where the 'we play with forms, he becomes a pioneer of the mixing of genres

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