

Act I Born (Phyllis Yvonne Williams) in Oakland, California's inner city, Phyllis discovered the best free entertainment her parents could offer was the Public Library where books and music captured her imagination. Then movies thrust her into the fantastic world of story and song from which she has never returned. Her early academic activities brought her 1st place in a citywide essay competition and the role of valedictorian. Leadership roles in student government and scholastic achievement gave her recognition at Oakland Technical High School. Singing in a gospel group helped pay tuition at California State University, Hayward, where she fell in love with classical music and literature. A professor of History and Western Culture recognized her writing ability and encouraged her to major in English under his tutorship. Instead, she transferred to University of California, Berkeley where she acquired a B.A. degree in Dramatic Art, mentored by the esteemed Dr. Travis Bogard. Lena Horne

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