

Jordi Rediu: Born in Terrassa, Barcelona, Catalonia. Jordi Rediu has been involved within the film industry for over 25 years. In 1993 founded Zeppelins Productions. In 1996 founded Agotadas las Localidades (Sold Out fims). In 2002, he is the founding partner of Zip Films, and left de company in 2012. Then open TuMaCAT films. Now is a Head-producer in Regal a Barcelona-based production company, BCL Finance Group and DCR Financial Group New York based company . Jordi rediu graduated in dramatic art from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona. Stage with Peny Cherns and Sue Weston, Lamda School. Barcelona. Stage with Pavel Khomski, Director of Mossoviet Theatre in Moscow. Stage with Jhon Stassberg (Actors Studio) Barcelona. Stage with Director Genadi Bogdanov on biomechanics, technical of Meyerhold in Pézilla-la-Rivière France. Script Stage in "Screenwriters School of Barcelona" with Albert Doumentier. 1994/95. Midia Seminar / Media "Audiovisual Production & Co-production" Madrid 98. Media

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