

Growing up in Canada in the 1980s, Justine Priestley and her brother, Jason Priestley, were both bitten by the acting bug at an early age, appearing in numerous commercials, plays and TV shows. Upon graduation from high school, Justine left her ninth-grade Best Actress Award on the mantel and headed to Europe, enrolling in the school of Traveling-With-a-Backpack. Thirty-eight countries (including 18 in Europe, 16 in Africa, and 4 in South America) and a few years later, those thespian passions returned. She found herself with a London agent and a role in a West End production. When Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) exploded into the world consciousness and Jason Priestley became part of pop culture, Justine was already back in Vancouver. While studying her craft, she was busy booking spots on such TV shows as Highlander (1992) and Tarzán (1991) and a movie of the week, The Substitute (1993) with Mark Wahlberg. She also appeared in Bulletproof Heart (1994) with Anthony LaPaglia and Mimi Roger

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