

Barry Poznick is President of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., (MGM) Unscripted Television and Orion Television, where he oversees the creative and development of content for broadcast, streaming, cable and syndication. A 25-year veteran of the business and a leading producer in the industry, Poznick joined MGM in 2016 reporting to Mark Burnett, MGM's Worldwide Television Chairman. Poznick currently oversees numerous MGM/Orion Television shows including "The Voice," "Survivor," "Shark Tank", "Real Housewives of Orange County", "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", "Beat Shazam", "The Big Shot with Bethenny", "Amy Schumer Learns to Cook", and "Overserved with Lisa Vanderpump". Poznick has enjoyed a long and highly successful career and created multiple series with Burnett including the Emmy® nominated hit Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (FOX). Poznick founded ZOO Productions in 1994 and built it into a prolific independent production company, which was acquired by UK's All3Media in 2

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