

Cynthia J. Popp is a producer and director of The Bold and the Beautiful (1987), having worked on the show since its beginnings and risen through the ranks of the production company. Popp is a native Californian, who grew up watching TV & films, always with an interest in this field. While in college, she majored in communications with an emphasis in radio, television & film and volunteered for as many hands-on internships as she could. For almost three years, Popp drove from Orange County to Lake Arrowhead every Saturday to work as a camera operator and later to direct, edit and produce a church mass which aired on four cable companies for their shut-in viewers. After completing college, Popp worked at CBS for 1 1/2 years before becoming the first person hired by the Bell family to work on the new daytime drama, The Bold and the Beautiful (1987). In agreeing to take the job of office manager with the fledgling production company, Popp asked that she also be given the opportunity to

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