

Roger Pierre was born in Le-Port Marly, France 1923. In 1946 he had made his stage debut in a cabaret and was an extra in the war drama Le Père tranquille/Mr. Orchid (1946, René Clément) starring Noël-Noël. In 1947, he worked as a presenter of commercials at Radio-Luxembourg. There he met Jean-Marc Thibault whose texts he had to read. It was the start of a long career as a comedy duo in Parisian cabarets such as le Tabou, le Caveau de la Terreur, l'Amiral, and le Moulin-Rouge. The men wrote some 3,000 sketches and songs together. They appeared in many TV shows of Maritie and Gilbert Carpentier and also co-starred in several film comedies. These films included La Vie est belle/Life is Beautiful (1956, Roger Pierre, Jean-Marc Thibault), Vive les vacances/Gimme A Break (1958, Jean-Marc Thibault) written by Thibault and Pierre, Les Motards/The Motorcycle Cops (1959, Jean Laviron) also with Francis Blanche and co-written by Thibault and Pierre, Un cheval pour deux/A Horse for Two (1961, Jea

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