

Born in Long Beach, California, to a family of musicians, it's no surprise Todd Schroeder climbed up on the piano and started lessons at only four years of age, before most children can speak full sentences. Musical influences ranging from Claude DeBussy to Ray Charles, Bob Seger, Elton John and Jerry Lee Lewis would all go on to shape Schroeder's own recognizable performance style, from his trademark Pork Pie hat to his ability to command an audience with just his skilled piano playing and on-stage charisma. When he was a teenager, he relocated to Sonora, a small country town in the foothills of Northern California's Sierra Mountains. There, he began making the rounds playing piano at local clubs and restaurants, often negotiating his own contracts and managing his career. Those restaurants and clubs have since been traded for performances at prestigious and venerable venues reaching from Carnegie Hall all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Schroeder has had the honor of being inv

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