

Mattia Sbragia is known for his roles in movies, such as "The Year of the Gun" (dir. Frankenheimer), "The Golden Bowl", (dir. by James Ivory), "Heaven" (dir. Tom Tykwer), Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ", Steven Soderbergh's "Ocean's Twelve". He interpreted Arlechino in 'The Island of Slaves' (dir. by Giorgio Strehler) at the Piccolo Teatro in the 80's-90's in Milan, followed by Ciano in "The death of Galliazzo Ciano" (dir. Marco Tullio Giordana). Additionally, Mattia is a prolific dubber, voicing for instance Matthew Modine in Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket", and Geoffrey Rush in "Shine". Sbragia started his career in the theater at the end of the 1960s.
