Paul Ryden_peliplat

Paul Ryden

Actor | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Paul Ryden is an actor and writer, known for Hidden Figures (2016), Stranger Things (2016), and Halt and Catch Fire (2014). With a background in feature news reporting (Green Bay, WI; Louisville, KY: Turner Broadcasting, Atlanta), it's only natural that Paul is often cast as a news anchor or reporter, but he's played a variety of roles from doctor to judge to parole officer to corporate executive. His theatre work the last few years includes the lead roles of William Gillett in The Game's Afoot and Matt Drayton in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Paul has traveled extensively, producing fund-raising videos for mission agencies and NGO's in such far-flung locales as Afghanistan, Rwanda, Ukraine, Indonesia, and points beyond. Paul was born February 12, 1953 and lives with his wife of 40 years in the Atlanta suburbs.

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