

Michael Ruud was born on October 7, 1944 in Afton, Wyoming to Gladys Haderlie Ruud and Jack Taylor Ruud. He resided in Thayne with his mother and two older brothers Jack and Tomm until he was seven years old. This was when Gladys met and married Lyle Papworth and the new family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah where Lyle worked. Ruud went to school in Salt Lake City for five years until the family returned to reside in Afton. Michael's passion for the theater work was born while attending Star Valley High School. After high school he pursued a masters degree of fine arts from the University of Utah. He was an officer and founding member of the first branch of the Screen Actors Guild in Utah. He was a Vietnam veteran who served from 1967-1969, was honorably discharged and decorated as a sergeant in the US Army. Michael was very active in the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. During his career, Ruud acted in over seventy films and numerous stage plays at the University of Ut

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