

Jacob Ilan Rips was born on April 25, 2000 to Lauren and Jeffery Rips. He was born a minute after his twin brother, Joshua Rips. He also has a older sister, Eliana. At only six weeks of age, Jacob and Joshua were cast to play baby Brady/baby Carver on Days of Our Lives. They had their first appearance on June 9, 2000, but only a month later, they were recast, because they deemed to healthy to play a sick baby (baby JT suffered from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- FAS). But then again, after five months they returned in the role, becoming the only child actors to return to a role. They left the role in May 2002, making only a short guest stint in October the same year. Today (September 2003), the boys are not currently in show-biz, and are just enjoying their lifes as typical three-year-olds.
