

Jud launched his career on the stages of England, where he won the prestigious Evening News National Theatre award as Best Supporting Actor for his performance of Mercutio alongside Michael Sheen's Romeo in the Royal Exchange's production of Romeo & Juliet. The Guardian said of his performance "Meyers' swaggeringly macho Mercutio brawls with the exhilarating nastiness of a rumble on the terraces". He also won the Martini/Rossi National Theatre Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as Arnold Epstein in the British Premiere of Neil Simon's Biloxi Blues. The Daily Telegraph said he played the role with "Tense, brittle authenticity" and he appeared alongside Timothy West in the Theatre Royal's World Premiere of Himself and appeared as Biff in the famous Octagon's production of Death of a Salesman. Jud added to his Royal Exchange credits, appearing in Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge and Eric Bogosian's Drinking in America. He appeared in Brighton Beach Memoirs at the

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