

Each career move Celebrity Chef Mattocks has made has been in keeping with his desire to touch lives in a positive way. Inspired by his uncle, the late Bob Marley, Mattocks dared to dream big. After giving a stunning performance in the title role of the Emmy nominated "The Summer of Ben Tyler" Mattocks could have continued as a successful actor. Instead this single dad decided the Hollywood lifestyle was not the best for his young son and moved across the country. His need to create meals that were tasty, nutritious, and affordable led to his career as "The Poor Chef". Appearances on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Martha Stewart,CNN and Dr. Oz gave him the opportunity to share what he had learned about feeding a family for less money. He became a sought after guest on local and regional radio and television stations. Once again he achieved success. Then came devastating news. Charles Mattocks had type 2 diabetes. Reading all he could about the disease made him all too aware of

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