

Vasilika Vanya Marinkovic was born in Manhattan, NY, a first generation American, from Greek and Serbian parents. She grew up in Alaska where the snow, dark nights in the winter, bright lights of the summer, chasing wildlife and waterfalls truly honed in on her imagination. Her satirical and writing skills came into play as her friends and siblings all helped to record "radio plays" together that were innovative, funny and true satire. Some years later, "Vanya" interned in Washington D.C., where she got to see a glimpse of Nelson Mandela soon after his freeing of the chains of Apartheid. Vanya truly enjoyed interning for Senator Ted Stevens and out stayed all the interns so she could explore Washington D.C. to the fullest-where it was further discovered that satire/humor was her first love-not politics! Vanya went on to live in Los Angeles for several years where she got a taste in background acting, working with the autistic and doing stand-in work for people like Sandra Bullock an

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