

Gustav Machatý was born on May 9, 1901 in Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary (now the Czech Republic). His first experience with the motion picture industry was playing piano at movie theaters, accompanying silent pictures. In 1917, he made his debut as an actor. In the early 1920s, he emigrated to the United States, taking up residence in Hollywood, where he learned filmmaking as an apprentice to two masters, D.W. Griffith and Erich von Stroheim. After serving a four-year apprenticeship in Hollywood, he returned to Prague to make his own films. Two movies, "Erotikon" (1929) and "Ekstase" (1933) made him internationally famous. "Ekstase" was nominated for the Mussolini Cup at the Venice Film Fesitval. Released as "Ecstasy" in the U.S. with the advertising tag-line "The Most Talked About Picture in the World," "Ekstase" featured young Hedy Kiesler in the nude. Kiesler, who would become internationally famous herself as Hedy Lamar, played a sexually frustrated hausfrau who achieves orgas

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