Casey O'Neill_peliplat

Casey O'Neill

Date of birth : 06/23/1970
City of birth : New York City, New York, USA

Casey O'Neill delivers dynamic and heart-pounding action to the Big Screen time and time again. He is an expert in Film's most advanced stunt technology and brings his dexterity to life as a Stunt Coordinator and Action Designer. Having worked with world-renowned actors and award-winning directors for the past 20 years, Mr. O'Neill's experience excels both on film and behind the scenes. Casey O'Neill's unprecedented success in film stems from his tenacious drive and innovative skill set. Working side by side with great names, including Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg and Marvel Studios. Mr. O'Neill strives to deliver the director's vision while incorporating his own bravado into his work. From pre-production to wrap, he values safety as a foremost priority on every project. Mr.O'Neill is an Emmy Nominated Stunt Coordinator and five-time Taurus World Stunt Awards nominee and winner for Best Stunt Coordinator 2015 and Hardest Hit 2012. His skills have also earned him four Screen Actors Guild awards nominations and membership to the elite "Brand X Action Specialists."

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